'Innie', my internet connection had the flu. The first symptoms of her illness were intermitent coughing and sputtering. Then to my immense shock, she went into a coma. I had to rush her to the hospital were thankfully I was informed she was going to make it. She took sometime to recuperate but I am happy to announce she is back to work and doing quite well now, though I am watching her closely while she recuperates completely. In the meantime, Innie and I have come to an agreement to give you three posts in one to make up for lost time. :)
Guess what? Standtall let me adopt one of her kittens. Some say he never sleeps, others say his whiskers have healing powers, all I know is, I have named him Stiggy (yeah you guessed right, after The Stig of TopGear) and if you don't like cars you are not likely to get this. He is named so because he is all white (just like The Stig), cute (I think The Stig is), mysterious (only Stiggy knows what goes on in Stiggy's head), and playful (think about how The Stig likes to play with cars), mischievious (The Stig and his language cds, I think that's quite tongue in cheek) and fast (you need to see my stiggy dashing all over the place. ) I love him loads. You may not believe this but it was love at first sight between both of us. He likes to crawl into bed beside me and I am quite scared he'll get crushed because he is so tiny. But when he looks up with those soulful eyes, (sigh) I can't deny him anything.

I got the coveted Certified Honest Blogger Award from Standtall (applause, taking a bow). Standtall has been a friend, an advisor and a sis, since I decided to start blogging actively. She told me of the great people in blogville and the best ways to reach out to them and to be part of this wonderful community. I am not all that, far from it but I have come to be accepted around here and for that I am grateful. Thank you all for taking time off your busy blogging schedules to visit this blog. May you all find happiness and may the ink in your pens never dry (in this case may the muscles of your fingers never become arthritic). I am going to pass this on to bloggers I really, really admire and whom I really really think blog from that honest place called 'the heart'. I have a long list but I am going to limit to about seven. My elimination will be done by not giving the award to people who I know have previously received it. And then add a list of people who deserve honorable mention, but I am not going to give them the award, just mention them. So, here goes and not in any particular order please...
- Kayshawn (I may not agree with him all the time but his writing sure is str8 from the heart)
- Tythemosmagnificent (hilarious dude)
- Ade Adeyemi (new blog, great writer)
- Dr. Naapali (dunno if anyone has given this to you but you touch the core of me each time you put pen to paper/fingers to keyboard)
- Definitely, MissDefinitelyMaybe (briliant writing)
- Mz Dee (dunno if you got this before now)
- And of course LG (it doesn't get truer than this)
- Twayne (my not so active blogger but blogger friend who likes to tell it like she feels it)
Honorable mention:
- Nigeriandramaqueen
- Badderchic
- Standtall
- Funms
- WoomieO
- Free flowing florida
- Solomsydelle
- Lighty
- Geishasong
- Princessa
- Chioma/Celebrate Africa (this chic is living my dream!)
and too numerous to mention others :)
and the rules are:
1. When you receive the prize you must write a post showing it, together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back.
2. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs (or even more) that you find brilliant in their content or design.
3. Show their names and links and leave them a comment informing that they have received an award
4. Show a picture of those who awarded you and those you give the prize (optional).
5. And then pass it on!
Having everything
Wanting something
I am about to open up to you guys like I have never before done on this blog. I will reveal this part of me I have kept away from you, quickly before I change my mind.
I am engaged to this wonderful man. Seriously, this guy is a dream and everything. The stuff fairy tales are made of. He is so in love with me. But lately, I have begun to ask myself some very difficult to articulate questions and giving myself some difficult to ignore answers. I wonder if I will make it to the ultimate goal. I wonder if I will give it all up somewhere along the way. I don’t know if I need advice but I am quite sure I want to hear what you’ve got to say. I should be happy not so? Some people would love to be me. There is calm outside and seeming perfection but somewhere inside me, the battle of two voices rages on.
Voice 2: Diversity makes relationships work and compromise makes relationships last
Voice 1: I guess so but sometimes it wears me down and I wonder again why I am doing it. In fact he said so himself – we are different. He is the -family, home and all that kind of person. I am the - I don't want any more responsibilities than taking care of myself selfish kind of person.
Voice 2: But there is definitely something that drew you to him. Something that made you fall in love. You don’t want another ‘you’ living in the same house as you!!!! Trust me.
Voice 1: Don't get me wrong, he's a great dude and he makes me so happy but I wonder if I am really wired like that, if you know what I mean. He tells me a relationship is not really easy but it is a lot of fun, he says it is something you need to work at. And I am like, I have quite a long list of stuff I need to work at, why would I go and willingly add another item titled ‘relationship/marriage’ to that list? The other things I work at happened to me or came about as a result of being alive, this one I did to myself. So is it really, really worth it? What's my payment? A few laughs? Am I supposed to feel this way, or am I just dysfunctional?
Voice 2: I think you are perfectly normal and being in a relationship comes with its own strains too, especially when you’ve been used to being independent. Like most things in life, the joyful things sometimes bring sadness. So, if you dare to enjoy the laughter, then you shouldn't mind the occasional tears. Weighed on a scale, being involved with someone who is willing to make things work beats being alone any day. And you are not alone in your trepidation about the success/condition of your relationship. Everyone goes through such moments. It's a part of the process...
Okay I have to stop here because it is getting longish (lol) will continue in part two so I don’t bore you. Keep your eyes on the page.