I am in an upbeat mood today and for no apparent reason. I feel like sharing the smiles. Remember those nonsensical poems people make up with words from a common register? I made up one with Blog titles. Couldn't fit everyone in - forgive me, I guess I'll do another one ... You could try your hands at one too if you so wish...

link to picture: http://static.flickr.com/97/241531487_860be30410.jpg
This is why I write
I am lost at the other end of the world
With no one to talk to but the Singing Blogger
I wish to tell the story of an African girl
A Nigerian Curiosity and of course
My mother's child
Everyday I find
Reasons to celebrate Africa
Yet I know life is what it is
No illusions, forget the mystique
one day we will all become
Ashes and Dust
I have begun the journey
To showing Africa with style
I am the Activist, Generation-Next
I am a Badderchic
I am Miss Balance, your Lady Guide
Yes, I am only letting out
Do you mind my shotmusinz?
Think of them as ero-lyrics
but what they really are
Are the last minute confessions
of a Nigerian drama queen
This is about You, me and a whole lotta s*@!
I speak about Life, love, lust and the in betweens
But whatever I do
It will always be one more step
To getting to know you fully
28 more steps:
1st. hopei am. luv the wordplay
Yes u r firssssttt!!! thanks. you r my muse.
excellent word play! quite good, i am still laughing as I write this, thanks for poem, it brough a smile to my face!
9ice...... infact u deserve a pressie sef'
Oya 'chop knuckle' :-)
Norrin do u
Cute... but surely THIS wasn't what you meant by you wrote one that I "may like immensely"? :O :D
Through my poetically tinted lenses
I caught sight of burnt melons
and could no longer be
Aloof and far
Nice one. took me a few seconds then it hit. Lol!
Awwwww...beautiful...a loving hug from moi...
@ LG - chopping the knuckle via blue tooth :)
@ turumarth: no, this wasn't what i meant, but i'm still wondering if i should post that here... it is a li'l bit... err...how do you say...? (fake french accent) pornographic...?
@ naapali: WELL DONE! lol.
@ abujamaiden: so glad you like. And it's your first time here, I think... WELCOME. THANK YOU, DALU, ESE, (how do you say thank you in Hausa...?)
@ RITA: thanks love! (hugging you right back)
wow, that was so cool!!!! Thanks for the shout out!!!!
Waohhhhhhhhhhhh u r awesome. I was looking for "Standtall" and I saw "the activist" lol. U r so creative
Sure, there will "always be one more step to getting to know you fully" why we should never get to that point when we believe we (now) know it all.
Beautiful play on words. If you're poetically tainted, then you must be in love with me, without you even knowing it. (I kid too)
@Solomonsydelle: U r welcome
@Standtall: Thanks babez. wouldn't have written it at all if I couldn't find a place for you!
@rethots: wow, deep words. But then how true.
@Mak: Oh but I am... (wink wink)
i liked this bcos it shows how words...phrases ...can be strung together to mean something...all it needs is thought
Nice one
what's your mailing address??? can I just use adorableonemorestep@gmail.com. OR do you have a yahoo address??? I need to send you a mail asap. Or even call you sef!
@woomieo: yup adorableonemorestep@gmail.com
you can mail me now
@Shoobydoo: I agree. Random words can turn out to become classy works of art if put together with some thought. Think of two chefs making the same dish with the same quantity of ingredients and one comes out tasting better than the other. I will get there someday. lol.
u r very funny. kai! wetin happen dat day. u were extremely bored, so u said let me make up words? hahahaha. u try sha. how far my dearest one?
"Ruffin' It" is launched. If u haven't been there, follow my link ...
hey loved the post, the poem is very creative....you should do another one. Thanks for giving your girl a mention ;-)
This is really cool! I'm feeling your poetically tinted views. And thanx 4 the 'shout'!
B reathe your magic
R uffle my heart
O pen my mind
W hisper in my ear
N ext to my heart
S how me a path
U nknown till now
G ive me a new life
A llow me a taste of
R eal Brown Sugar…
(It's just a poem, I am very heterosexual)
I'm not impressed. You cold have ended it with "To getting to know you fully Twayne".
Please revise ASAP!
Nice one though...
LOL TWAYNE don't worry I have a special one. Just for you! you know how we do! haba! give your girl a break now.
how did I miss this? and I love Naapali's continuation too!
Do you know I never even noticed you featured me in here.lol.
I've just been overwhelmed with the work thingy.
You really rock girl!
OMG, I'm making a post out of this! I feel ... honoured, to say the least! Great mind work!
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